Keep your guns and ammo from falling into the wrong hands with Dakota’s robust gun safe. This heavy-duty 3/16” safe is constructed by two full layers of steel on the door to provide added protection to everything it stores. The first of these layers was made with 3/16” cold rolled steel stacked with a fireboard. This section is further complemented by an outer liner made of solid 10 gauge steel.
With an enhanced fire rating, the safe exhibits excellent fire-resisting properties. Similar to Dakota’s other upper-end safes; this safe too, comes with a re-locker and a spring-loaded pin. So the entire safe automatically locks up if the pin is tripped or tampered with.
The safe’s handles designs utilize a slip-clutch to ensure easy disengaging of the handle and preventing it from interfering with the bolts. Moreover, the safe can be easily anchored down in place, thanks to four bolt-down holes already present on it.
- 2 Hour / 1250° Degree Fire Rating
- Heavy 3/16” Fully Continuous Welded Body
- TRU Composite Door 7 Gauge Inner & 10 Gauge outer
- 4 Way Bolt Works
- 16 massive 1.5″ Active Locking Bolts
- Anti-Pry Tabs
- Slip Clutch
- 66″ Tall
- 36″ Wide
- 24″ Depth (Add 2.5″ for Handle Hub & Hinges)
- 39 Long Gun Capacity
- 1158 Lbs.
- Finish – Gray Marble
Dakota Safe Company will repair or replace, at our discretion, any safe broken into by unlawful forced entry, damaged do to an unlawful break in attempt or damaged in a home fire during the lifetime of the original purchaser. Provided the purchasers home owners insurance fails to cover the safe. Damaged safe must be returned to Dakota Safe Company or its authorized agent for evaluation, freight prepaid along with a full police or fire Marshall report. If claim is found to be valid, we will send a replacement or repaired safe to the customer, freight prepaid. We will repair or replace , at our discretion, any safe damaged in a home fire. Provided the purchasers home owners insurance fails to cover the safe.